Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Member’s Perspective of the Small Group Meetings

Below is a personal thought by Liza which is adapted and revised from a letter she wrote to Pastor Steven on 4 June 2009 in response to his invitation to attend the small group meetings.

On Wednesday 27 MAY 2009 morning, I received a call from Pas Steven and the following is the gist of it:

“ hi, liza, this is Pastor Steven, I supposed you know about the church having small groups meeting to explain the situation happening in the church… to clarify allegations…and allow members to ask questions and to know any concerns they may have…

The telephone call wasn’t a surprise—it had been speculated for few weeks amongst those who have attended because many had asked the “Presenters” at the different sessions, if the CC ‘leadership’/BOD would invite the “branded” TTG members--i.e. ANY concerned members who have been identified to be supporting the Truth, Transparency & Good Governance Cause.

I said, I’d think about it.

So, this question has been on my mind since. I thought deeply and, carefully pondered over the entire events leading to this most unusual “meeting”. Then, I found myself asking the following questions, probably like many who are close to this saga would have asked too:

1. Why would the PG & BOD & Assoc Pastors go to this length to break-up members,--(who are carefully selected and sieved to be in the ‘right-mix’ of mind set for each session) and then confined them in small groups, to explain?

How can it be beneficial when every session (between 50-80 sessions?) differs because the different Presenters/facilitators said different things and respond with their personal and subjective answers to every question asked, every concern raised, every doubt expressed from the floor?

How can truth be established by the mere showing of some ‘selected’ documents and photographs of a cleaned-up storeroom , taken after Adeline Koh has moved out, and the presentation of a bias crafted script by specially selected members, some of whom are too new to know the roots of the church and the issues that have its origin decades ago?

Besides, for every reason /justification cited, they open-up more areas for TTG to disprove otherwise. Every seemingly clever move the BOD has made, only served to deepen and worsen and the crisis and exposed their bad faith.

2. This method employed is a complete departure of what the BOD has assured they would do in The Way Forward. (Since they didn’t say “promised”, so no one can hold them to it, I supposed, but where is the SINCERITY? )

Honestly, does this latest ‘Move’ show genuine intent to resolve the Crisis? Or Are they all out to discredit the TTG CAUSE, although the events and the discoveries unfolded to-date revealed beyond any shadow of doubt, truth, transparency & good governance have been lacking and ignored by those vested with power and authority in the Stewardship of CC?


I got to read ( from CT) the Scripted response for Part1,2 &3 which is attributed as: “Address from “CC’s Perspectives” -- This is NO ownership at all! I’m sure it is so worded not without carefully deliberation among PG /BOD & Assoc Pas, for obvious reasons:

i) those were just “perspectives” hence not Absolute Truth…they were not even ‘Answers’! So, this would leave room for interpretation to defend their ‘perspectives’ when the TRUTH confronts them, as it surely will.

ii) Using “CC’s perspectives” they hid under the cover of Calvary Church. NO ONE among them, not even PG himself as the SP & Chairman of BOD have the courage to take responsibility & accountability for every word, decision and action stated in Part 1,2 & 3.

So, is there credibility to the “perspectives” and those behind it?

The CC perspectives were nothing more than justification and rationale. For all intents and purposes, they DO NOT tackle the REAL serious issues confronting the entire leadership (PG, BOD /Assoc pas) and its administration at large.

Rather, it seems, its true objective is to counter genuine concerns of abuses and improprieties discovered by concerned members of TTG, perhaps hoping the simplistic and shallow retort would sway unsuspecting layman’s mind. Their explanations parroted by facilitators appointed by them, who have NO full grasp of all the issues of the CRISIS and its dire consequences in its present state, is most disturbing.

While it cannot be discounted some may be convinced by what were presented, the fact remains that all those responses in Part 1,2 &3 showed one thing:
The actions and decisions of PG & BOD in question were done in bad faith and intent. Just one of the many examples came to mind to substantiate this, is the claim of “ministering” to 10,200 people (!) It’s obvious the word ‘ministering’ was carefully chosen with an intent to give a false impression of its actual congregation size. (the made-up breakdown given, is most embarrassing to say the least). Another example is the CARE belonging to Missions and then the setting-up of CARED under CIM!

These examples, precisely underscore the fact that PG , BOD, Assoc Pas consistently choose to twist and turn , misrepresent and mislead the Congregation on a host of matters, even when the truth stares in their faces.


1. I have raised questions at AGM and also written letter after letter on the key issues confronting CC over the past 6 years, yet, typically what I got was an acknowledgement of receipt, ‘concerns noted’ and a courteous meeting which eventually amounted to nothing. (And I hasten to add, I am not alone, as many has even gone before me, including former deacons)

2. I have also gone to see a Deacon 07/08 on numerous occasions expressing my concerns over disturbing practices by associates with matters of criminality, wrongful action, improper conduct or abuses of power of PG & BOD, but was met with an indifferent attitude, closed mind and defensive stance, which left me disheartened--but fortunately, more determined to press on as God enabled me.

3. On 31 May 2008, (over a year!) The delegation comprising of myself, KC Lim, Lim Siew Chyuan and LF Teng, met formally with the Board of Deacons to discuss the following:

· Review of the Church Constitution
· Matters pertaining to Church accounts
· Transparency issues and governance
· Calvary Land – Current status and future plans
· Calvary Convention Centre
· Calvary International Ministry
· Senior Pastor’s Leadership Issues and Concerns

All present, including Rev. Peter Ong, were each given a hard copy of these 7 issues, compiled as a Memorandum with many proposals and solutions. The BOD had assured the delegation of follow-up dialogue and action, but these were all spoken in vain. Instead, they went on to undermine and discredit our sincere efforts, culminating to the present crisis.

Not only there was no Godly fear to correct what have gone wrong by doing the JUST thing, they also did not heed the outcry of concerned members’ demand for accountability and responsibility.


Only PG/ BOD and Assoc.Pastors. themselves know WHY they not only REFUSED to come to terms with the reality of the crisis, but instead go to great length to use legal, the Pulpit, and divisive means to ‘quash’ TRUTH which can never be buried, or shut the LIGHT which can never be extinguished.

The MAN HOURS for this small meeting campaign alone [approx total of members, associate members & entire CC Staff: 1,800 x 4 hours (average per session)= 7,200 Hours! as well as all the preparation and meetings of ‘leaders’ for CIM’S defense, EGM, Workshops and over 14 months of politicking etc, etc, have robbed resources of time, money and effort which could have been directed for proper and meaningful use in the Harvest field.

So, would I want to attend? NO. Thank you.

I shall, however, be at the AGM, the right forum for Q & A, where, hopefully, every member will be allowed to speak openly, and for PG/BOD/Assoc. Pastors to address all and sundries as a congregation.

Foot Note: For a 48 year old church , with a congregation of approx 3,000, and 1,738 actual Membership, it’s high time (long, long overdue) for our high salaried SP and Assoc. Pastors to take a HARD look at themselves and ask honestly if indeed their ministry is of KINGDOM’S SUBSTANCE or merely worldly GLOSS & GLITZ?


Bamboo Conspiracy said...


Dear Liza

In politics and sociology, "Divide and Conquer" is a combination of political and military strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

In reality, it often refers to a strategy where power groups are divided since it is difficult to break up existing power structures like TTG.

Typical elements of this technique are said to involve:

1. Creating or encouraging divisions among the members in order to forestall alliances that could challenge the present leadership.

2. Aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the present leadership.

3. Fostering distrust and enmity between the members within the power group challenging the present leadership.

The use of this strategy was imputed to administrators of vast empires, including the Roman and British, who were charged with playing one tribe against another to maintain control of their territories with a minimal number of imperial forces.

The concept of "Divide and Conquer" gained prominence when India was a part of the British Empire, but was also used to account for the strategy used by the Romans to take Britain, and for the Anglo-Normans to take Ireland. It is said that the British used the strategy to gain control of the large territory of India by keeping its people divided along lines of religion, language, or caste, taking control of petty princely states in India piecemeal.

By the way the British also applied this strategy in Malaya, Africe and Middle East. The current problems in these lands can be traced to back to the "Divide & Conquer" strategy!.

In my opinion this strategy orginates from the pit of HELL! Dividing husbands and wives, cell leaders and members, children and family etc. SHAME ON THE LEADERSHIP!

I pray the congregation has spiritual discernment to see through this satanic strategy!

Liza - You did right by not responding to this strategy. Let the AGM be the correct forum to address all the issues presently of concern to the congregation and the Christan Community in Malaysia.

I DECLARE (SPEAK THE WORD OF FAITH)that the Lord will strengthen you and your group as they face the powers on high. Remember, those who stand for TRUTH are always on the Lord's side. Victory is already yours - it is only a matter of time.


PS. I am very sad that Calvary Church actual membership has dwindled to less than 2000.