Monday, November 16, 2009

Is PG a Narcissist?

Someone highlighted to CT this enlightening online article, “Narcissism in the Pulpit” by Grant Swanson of Power2Serve Ministries, which could help us understand what is going on in CC. We have extracted some note worthy statements from the article which is relevant to us in CC, with Bro Grant's permission. Please go to his ministry website for the full Article.

“Generally most church conflict is caused by carnality, selfishness and ambition (1 Cor 3:3)., Combine these sinful behaviors with an antagonist or two and you can have serious conflict problems as we have discussed earlier. Add selfish ambition to these characteristic in the Senior Pastor and spiritual abuse can be meted out in sinful, and destructive ways.”
This is a must-read article because "When you enter the web of the Narcissist, you leave yourself behind." This could explain the total compliance of our associate pastors, deacons and other leaders. “Hopefully by the time you have finished reading the information within this chapter you should be able to have a clear understanding as to whether or not the problems you are experiencing with your pastor are being caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”

Who is a Narcissist?

"The overall definition of someone with a narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a combination of severe limitations in understanding other people and their feelings, as well as an excessive pursuit of what are called narcissistic supplies, such as admiration, attention, status, understanding, support, money, power, control, or perfection in some form. While all of us need these supplies in adequate amounts to feel a sense of well being, the narcissist pursues them with an unrelenting desperation and a keen ability to manipulate others. Meanwhile the outer persona of the NPD individual is generally one of confidence and control, alongside a smooth or charming demeanor. As your involvement with the narcissist develops you will notice that the relationship increasingly becomes one-way with you in the primary giving position."
“It is close to impossible (to immediately recognize a narcissist) and that is the secret of their astounding success. Narcissists are good actors. They are adept at charming others, persuading them, manipulating them, or otherwise influencing them to do their bidding.”

The Danger of a Narcissist

"Realize that a narcissistic pastor is a very real danger both to himself and to the church life. According to Dattner Consulting LLC if the NPD pastor is able to accumulate too much power and prestige, and if others in the church are not able to moderate the narcissist’s destructive impulses, success can soon lead to failure. In the narcissists quest to maintain and promote their fragile self-esteem, the NPD pastor can often ignore or deny reality when it presents itself. They will also exploit the organization in order to attain their own goals. Grandiosity can lead to too much risk taking, and fear of failure can at other times lead to too little risk. With this in mind it becomes necessary to establish appropriate boundaries around the areas of finance, relational power over other staff, the board and other leaders appointed by the congregation. Unfortunately fear is the main deterrent to the narcissist—fear of losing his reputation, and fear of consequences which are clearly delineated and carried out when necessary."

The other sections are:
1. How to Identify a Narcissist. This is recommended for church members to read.
2. How to Survive In Relationship with a Narcissist. This is very important for those working with PG especially the associate pastors and the church workers.
3. Around the Board Table. This is especially important for the deacons to read.

Read the full article at:

Is PG a narcissist?Go to the link below and complete the check list and you will know.
We list here a sample of the symptoms of a Narcissist.
Does PG have any of these symptoms?

1. Self-centered. His needs are paramount and take precedence over the church.
2. No remorse for mistakes or misdeeds. Will not offer heartfelt apologies or ask forgiveness.
3. Projects his faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.
4. Insensitive to needs and feelings of others
5. Has a good front (persona) to impress and exploit others
6. Rationalizes easily. Twists conversation to his gain at other’s expense. If trapped, keeps talking, changes the subject or gets angry
7. Pathological lying. Will lie if he thinks it will further his image and if he doesn’t think it will be discovered. When lies are followed up on will imply that the other person is mistaken, and that he never said the lie in the first place
8. Often perceived as caring and understanding and uses this to manipulate
9. Secret life. Hides money, friends, activities
10. Seldom expresses appreciation unless he is buttering the person up for further use
11. He announces, not discusses. He tells, not asks
12. Controls money of others but spends freely on himself
13. Very good at reading people, so he can manipulate them
14. Will exaggerate and brag about past accomplishments
15. Will be overly concerned with the ‘image’ of the church building/bulletins etc.


Anonymous said...

Maybe should give PG a copy of the movie "The Second Chance". Hopefully that will bring him to some realization.

The story of The Second Chance said...

Same faith. Same city. Different worlds.

The Second Chance is a film about two men - one from a white church in the well-to-do suburbs and one from a black church in the inner-city projects. Although founded by the same man, each church manifests its mission in a very different way. This film authentically tells the story of how a rebellious son and a street-smart pastor struggle to bridge the gap between their respective churches and cultures. More importantly, at its core, The Second Chance is about being willing to step outside your comfort zone and serve where you are called.

Jeremiah Jenkins (J. Don Ferguson) founded Second Chance Community Church amid the turbulence of the civil rights demonstrations in the sixties. He has since moved from the inner city to the suburbs where he founded The Rock, a now mega church where community service often takes the form of large donations to the collection plate. He continues to travel the world establishing new churches, but he's lost sight of the place where his journey as pastor began.

Ex AOG Minister said...

There is a saying,a surgeon could say he has succeeded in the operation but when the result comes out, the patient finally dies.

In Christianity, either the person who is in fault or the accuser of the person in fault should be cautious to exercise Christ love to handle a situation.The letter kills but the spirit quickens.

Usually Pastors whom we accuse as proud, also go through so many other struggles within them that is actually spiritual in nature trying to save guard the faith that was committed to them.In the cause of that, both good and bad things can happen too.

I humbly feel, the approach some of you Calvarites have taken to redeem your Church is not going to bring any changes to your situation but more pain and tears.

Both parties must have the will to solve the problem recognizing that the Church does not belong to the Pastor or Members but Jesus Christ.I am writing in the spiritual sense not referring to cements and bricks.

Pray for God's wisdom and love to come through,specially among those who have taken the upper hand to accuse. There is someone writing more and more of your sins on the ground daily. A method of approach could be wrong or even the spirit and attitude could be wrong too.

Of course it will be much better if Pastors like Jesus Christ could be willing to carry the cross and leave if the majority decides not to have them.When that happens they will see resurrection like their master. But here again,don't forget even Jesus was struggling to do it in the garden of Gethsemene initially.How much more pastors being mortal men?

I can assure you this one thing.Showing more and more articles of great writers to teach someone alleged in fault is not good enough.Pastors can do this from the pulpit and members through the internet.What is the difference?This same method is being used in the political situation in Malaysia.What happened to Perak today? Who is not doing the right thing? The Sultan or the ruling federal government or the ousted Pakatan government? All could be doing the right and the wrong.Depends how you see it.Legal view,executive view or democratic view.Which you are following?

But how shameful to know that Jesus is still out standing and knocking if He could get into the house when all are busy in(REV 3:20)

After reading my article check and see,who is first to defend themselves quickly? You will then know yourself better!


Read The Star Newspaper said...

Read The Star papers today!

StarMetro Pg M4 NEWS

"CRISIS ROCKS CALVARY CHURCH - Group alleges mismanagement of funds as congregation dwindles"

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys read that site thoroughly. I came across this...

The purpose of this chapter is not be label or pigeonhole pastors, but to rather provide understanding. People with NPD are people that are to be pitied, and people that need to be understood. Unfortunately they are also people that need to be contained, monitored, and often removed from powerful and influential positions so that they do not destroy themselves and others.

It is sad. I'm not sure about you but we shouldn't really point fingers and start a blame game. It is sad that CT is reduced to personal attacks now. I mean Matthew 7:1 says "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." So who are we to judge?

And although SP may display these traits it isn't for us to ask him to do a self-evaluation. God has to reveal it to him. Narcissism is almost an emotional disability / impairment.

I know we are angry and upset because we feel violated but the truth is, it is sad. It really is. Please realise that now that this is in the news, a lot of peoples' faith will be rocked and shaken.

We must admit that to many, the church is a reflection of God and although they shouldn't be looking at it this way, it is inevitable.

We must really look to God and keep our eyes focused on Him. We must really be guided by the Holy Spirit and not by what we want. We must not be consumed by our bitterness but really try and move forward. Neither should we bicker and act juvenile when the spotlight is now on us to be the light of the world. How we handle this in public will be our testimony.

Ex-CW & Pew Warmer