It is official. SP does not recognize the first seven years of our history.
In the commemorative book published in 2002 to celebrate his 30 year ministry in Calvary Church, on the last two pages is the "History of Calvary Church (AOG) Kuala Lumpur" and it starts from 1968. Here is the scanned page.
(To view the scan clearly, click on the image to enlarge)
And on page 2, "Prince and Petrina Guneratnam accepted the pastorate of Calvary Church, Kuala Lumpur in November 1972. Calvary Church was barely 4 years old, having only moved into her own building at No.2, Jalan Damansara Endah in Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur in 1968 with a congregation of 70 adults. Pastor was only 27 years old at the time and was the first Malaysian to pastor Calvary Church."
As far as SP is concerned the first seven years do not exist or is unimportant and is not part of our history.
But to say that he intended the Calvary 40th anniversary celebration to be a celebration of his 40th year in ministry is probably not correct.
On page 9, "Prince Guneratnam and Petrina Giaw married on December 2, 1966, the day after he graduated with a Diploma in Biblical Studies from the Bible Institute of Malaya. Together, the young couple laboured to pioneer and establish the Glad Tidings Assembly in Klang in 1967."
This means that he has been in ministry for 41 years and not 40.
16 October 2008
I'm 47 NOT 40 said...
Don't laugh at others lest you also laugh at yourself. What a BIG BIG JOKE! SP poked fun at AG Singapore on their birthday when he himself can't count...or is it deliberate???? CC is 47 years old as a congregation (SP has always taught us that a church is NOT a building, but a fellowship of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ), yet he's hoodwinking us (although many of us are obviously smarter in counting than him) to celebrate only 40 years (building age) instead of 47 (fellowship age).We need to uncover and reveal more LIES AND 1/2 TRUTHS.Please DON'T laugh at others when you youself don't know how to count!
October 14, 2008 8:25 AM
Dawn of new era said...
I believe SP's boo-boo is NOT his doing. I'm convinced that the Holy Spirit has confounded him to use the Singapore AG's illustration to poke fun at himself and to show to the world that SP's true colour.Hallelujah. God is mightly and He has used His Spirit to reveal SP's action. TT members, you will all be vindicated, not by your actions but by the Holy Spirit Himself. This is the the dawn of a new era. We will trust Him.
October 14, 2008 8:33 AM
God Deserves ALL the Glory said...
Give God ALL THE GLORY!!! Let's NOT ROB Him of 7 years of His glory? CC is, I repeat, 47 years old. To those who still maintain it's a trivial issue - whether CC is 47 or 40 it does not matter - I solemnly appeal to you that IT DOES MATTER. It's not about the age, rather it's really really about GIVING GOD ALL THE GLORY, not only part of it.
God showed His faithfulness to the pioneers of CC. Remember, SP & SAP are NOT pioneers lest you still think they are, although all of us thank God for their labour in building upon the foundation laid by our pioneering brethren. There are many who have laboured for the Lord in pioneering CC. Let God have all His Glory for their labour of love.
Personally, as a long-time member of CC, I'm really saddened to see recent developments in CC. I first attended CC in 1982 when I was a student in UM. My wife and I were married in CC and my 2 children attended CC when they were babies and subsequently were baptised in CC. All these years, our family have served faithfully in CC. We love this church and we long to see the FULL Glory of God restored in this great church of God.
SP, I appeal to you. Do the right thing. Give God ALL the Glory, NOT just part of it. He really deserves it ALL. This is the cry of my heart, and my prayer for you and our church. To those of you who are attending the Thanksgiving Dinner, my sincere appeal to you is to also thank God for the 7 lost years. Show your gratitude to Him. To God be the Glory.
October 14, 2008 8:57 AM
3 beginnings... said...
It just dawn on me after reading about ROBBING GOD OF 7 YEARS GLORY.
God created the world in 7 DAYS and then, walla, we have human kind on earth for His Glory. Gen 1:1, "In the beginning, God created..."
God used 7 YEARS to bring about Calvary Church Damansara Heights. In 1961, God started a little fellowship of english speaking believers in Jalan Sayor....
However, it looks like someone planned to change Calvary history to read, "CALVARY CHURCH was dedicated to the glory of God on 11 February 1968 through the efforts of dedicated missionaries. Rev. Tan Sri (Dr) Prince and Puan Sri (Dr) Petrina Guneratnam was the first Malaysian couple to pastor the Church."
At a glance, SP & SAP, sounds like the missionaries who started Calvary Church. So this was a planned agenda all along. He has been slowly planting this thought in unsuspecting members/readers minds. So we are really robbing God of his beginning glory.
October 14, 2008 6:05 PM
Anonymous said...
A history lesson from someone who move over from Jalan Sayor to the present Calvary Church at Damansara Heights.
It was our missionary Pastor Jim Jones who challenged and initiated us to purchase land in DH though we were only a small young congregation. He motivated us to believe in God, strived to raise funds (not throwing expensive dinners) but by selling kueh, biscuits etc as small time traders, we even sewed neckties, wash cars etc.
On his part, he roped in Gene Martin from USA to raise funds for us. Pastor Jones and his family of 4 moved to the back of our church to save the rental he gets from his home church, so that we can have some extra funds. We only built what we needed because Pastor Jones did not want to burden his young congregation of about 70 people who moved from Jalan Sayor. Truly God used Pastor Jones to His Glory to affirm if TRULY THE VISION IS FROM GOD, THE LORD WILL BRING IT TO PASS. We move in to our present Church DEBT FREE!!!
By cutting 7 years of history is cruel to our missionaries who never have it so good then compared to what our SP and his family enjoys!!! It was Pastor Jones who invited the Guneratnams to come to preach to us one evening in Calvary Church and then asked for us to vote whether or not we want them to take over when he left!!!! We gave them a chance - they were small time preachers in Klang - rather humble at that time - we gave them a chance. Think they have forgotten their roots, they prospered in Calvary, got world recognition because Calvary Church is their platform. Are they appreciative of what we give them? From what we learnt, it seems not - they choose to keep our offerings for the less fortunate for themselves.
Maybe they need to recall Jesus teaching LAY NOT FOR YOURSELF TREASURES ON EARTH!!! CCC is way beyond our head - if you read what I have written you will be able to decide for yourself whether it is a vision of the Lord or SP's personal vision.When the CCC plans were announced, he just introduced Ken Yeang and slapped it down to our throat. He could have discussed with us before giving to a freemason - yes he knew because I know for sure someone told him.old time believer
October 14, 2008 10:49 PM
Be Grateful to CC Sowers said...
Dear "Old Believer" who is still young at heart (you're our Caleb who still soldiers on for our Lord)
Yes, I agree totally with you that cutting 7 years of CC history is VERY cruel to our missionaries such as Pastor Jones who never had it so good then compared to what our SP and his family enjoy now. SP, please give credit where it's due. Don't hoard it for yourself as it's never meant to be yours in the first place.Others sowed but you harvested. Give credit to the sowers too. It's NOT RIGHT and it's certainly a DETESTABLE thing to do. In fact it STINKS.
October 14, 2008 11:04 PM
26 Years in CC said...
Hi "Old Believer"I thank God for you for your small but very significant part in the Kingdom of God.
I can sense the hurt in you for what SP has done and is still doing, in robbing the 7 years of God's glory in and through the lives of our pioneering brethren.My brother, take heart for God will surely take His right place in CC.Trust in our Lord.
October 14, 2008 11:12 PM
Oldie said...
Yah, I am one of those who were there in Calvary Church for the evening service when Pastor G walked into the church with his wife and two small kids or toddlers.I was also one of them who raised my hand and agreed to him being our church pastor.
October 14, 2008 11:18 PM
Blood, Sweat and Tears said...
It's indeed very naive for those who still think that CC is 40 years old as a church does not spring up just like that. Where did the $$$ come from? What about the congregation? And what about the vision in the first place?There's much BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS put into the sowing process. Even Paul our great apostle did not take all the credit. He saluted those who sowed for him to reap.
October 14, 2008 11:19 PM
another oldie said...
Our missionary pastors, I hold dear to the fact that our missionary pastors & their wives love us very very much. When I was having my baby I lost a lot of blood and the hospital did not have my blood group - Sis Jones came to the hospital personally and donated blood for me. I have a fine daughter and I am still alive and well. I am very grateful and for this reason I support those messages from the Jalan Sayor immigrants who have great love and respect for the missionary pastors who are really our shepherd in every sense.
There was no division - Pastor was the shepherd, we were the sheep and we were taught fed. One thing I must say they only left because the Malaysian government did not allow any missionaries to hold posts as full time pastors.Regret that some of you, the younger ones have not experienced what I am sharing with you. Yeh, it is good to remember they toiled
1. Pastor Guynes and Sis Guynes are like parents to many of us. They do not have any airs but will be more than happy to join us for meals at side-stalls.
2. Brother Jones and Sis Jones came with their young children; she had a baby when she was serving in Malaysia. They were very sacrificial and they inspired us to buy DH land.
3. Brother Vic Trimmer - he was an interim pastor and remember him with fond memories. Because he was a divorcee, when we came carolling to his home behind the church - in the middle of the night, he gave us AN icecream each. How can we ignore all these good shepherds? They toiled and sweated here without drawing any money from us - they have been all supported from their own church.
another oldie
October 15, 2008 4:52 PM
From The Horses' Mouth said...
Did you hear about the SP special "LOTT" treatment? The one where when SP is not happy with you he will show his disgust by putting his "Legs On The Table". I read about this in another blog, I think it was on Spikeee's blog. It seems this was confirmed by an AP (Associate Pastor) to the TT crew but the AP said that's SP's way of relaxing. Then TT crew said that SP can do the "LOTT" when relaxing in private but SP must put down his legs when someone else comes into the room.The AP answered "the trouble with Asian ...". He was stopped in mid sentence as the TT crew was indignant (i.e. Godly anger) & did not allow AP to finish his sentence. TT crew asked "since when has SP become a Mat Salleh, he is as Asian as you & me.
I have worked for 35 years & I have also served under some Mat Sallehs, I thank God that none of my bosses ever did that to me & neither have I ever done that to anyone. I do not want to hear about SP giving the "LOTT" treatment to anybody henceforth". Btw, this exchange of words was witnessed by another AP, a Deacon & another TT crew member. Believe you me that the foregoing is the "Truth & nothing but the whole Truth" because I have also heard this 1st hand "from the horses' mouth" for confirmation. Don't take my word for it, ask around as quite a few APs, CC staff & Calvarites have kena the "LOTT" treatment from SP over the years.
Unfortunately, no one dared to voice this out & thus SP has grown to be the monster that he now is today. May God have mercy on SP.
October 15, 2008 12:52 AM
Truth Prevails said...
dear '...Horses' mouth' (ahem! please try to keep your names short next time - easier to address, lah!)
That info about LOTT was written by Siew Chyuan & posted on Calvary Today, I think! It's all true. I, too got that LOTT treatment. It was his way to demean his leaders, to show us that he doesn't think much of us.
I felt insulted and intimidated by the LOTT treatment! He 's a monster indeed! No manners at all! And mind you, I was a church leader, of the female gender, and yet he did not show the least bit courtesy that gentlemen should show to ladies! SP is no gentleman and neither is he a good shepherd of God's people. He enjoys lording it over God's sheep!
October 15, 2008 9:31 AM
Ex-staff said...
Yes, "from The Horses' Mouth", I too experienced SP's LOTT treatment too when I was serving full-time. Personally speaking, regardless of whether you're Asian or Mat Salleh or whatever nationalities, etc, etc, LOTT is a PRIVATE AFFAIR when you are alone watching TV, listening to music, reading or relaxing, whatever...In private, you can do it in your office, living room, bedroom, toilet (if it's big enough, otherwise you'll get stuck) or any private confines. Please don't offer excuses for him, whoever the AP is. If it's NOT right, IT'S NOT RIGHT! Period.
October 15, 2008 1:11 PM
Another ex-staff said...
Let me distract you from, "why so long?"
SP & SAP do not walk the talk in the church office. His children also follow them, don't walk the talk. All church staff is compulsory to attend morning devotions and cannot be late or will be fined (money). 3 times absent, meet SP personally. But his children only attend once (1) a week. Our office policewoman dare not even ask them why. I suppose they meet their punishment everyday by seeing their father everyday.
They also can walk in late for work and no one dare to question them. Their daughter in law can walk out of office any time to take care of her children. SAP will always be seen carrying her grand children in the office.
Other church staff have to take leave to send our children and parents even to see doctor. Some staff who got long medical leave from doctors are asked, "why so long leave?" See, the difference is you don't have a G name.
October 16, 2008 11:07 AM
So Cham said...
"Another ex-staff"
My sympathies to all the 'so cham' staff of Calvary! A good thing I was wise enough not to take up a full-time staff position with Calvary - my instincts told me that all was not well with Calvary Church many years ago. The scenario in the Calvary office is like a 'cold war' zone.
Not surprising really...when the CEO, his mah chai, & BOD are not walking righteously before God, the door is opened for enemy infiltration, to cause strife, division, unhappiness, ungoldliness, quarrelling, jealousies, injustice, cliques, suspicions, etc. among the staff and their relationships with each other. It's a "dog eat dog" world there, or the Chinese version, "devil beat devil" world in Calvary Church office!
One of the staff who was pregnant thought that she could also ask for 'morning sickness' leave, on compassionate grounds, for a few hours every morning since the CEO's daughter-in-law was granted such liberty, but to her dismay and disappointment, she found out that such privileges are only for those with the surname 'G' tagged on to them! Cronyism rears its ugly head!
October 16, 2008 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
or rather, "nepotism".
October 16, 2008 12:00 PM
Nepotism shows its ugly head said...
Dear ex-staff…like tat pun boleh? I guess nepotism is the unspoken law in CC. If you are a direct family member (and I quote direct as family members of son-in-law or daughter-in-law are not included in this double standards ruling), life is easy and comfortable – flexi hours, higher pay, high positions and you don’t need to follow the normal set of rules.
Why the double standards…..if anything, you should have a much higher expectation on your own family members (son, daughter, wife, son-in-law, daughter-in-law) as compared to the other staff. What other staff can’t do or have to do must also be followed by the family members – why the double standards. It’s like CC belongs to the guneratnams and the rest of the staff are all peasants working for this monarchy.
October 16, 2008 12:07 PM
mad said...
i do believe what some of the ex staff claims and had observed as double standard. yes i know it as a fact . any staff involve in ministry has to take leave to be doing ministry work but not the G family. for them everything is church work including going to market and picking up their kids.
SP children and grand children are given the impression that CC belong to them and the rest work there. Even his grand son threaten adults like me.... AL would say i will tell my grand father if he does not get his way. Pastor Susan Tan's saga and she leaving CC was because of his grandchild.
Now about dinner . afters all this talk about those taking part has to pay.The church now has decide to charge RM 50 . and kids RM 25. the church simply don't appreciate the sacraficial of the members. Timothy Ong has 101 reason why the head users were remove. His apology is to justify . Is he a member of UMNO. Actually he is just being consistent . he is constantly indifferent and a story teller. TImothy Ong i suggest you do some soul searching. i dare not do what you do in the corporate world. the different between me and you is you are call to feed his sheep not stumble them. i am just a tent maker.
October 16, 2008 1:21 PM
angry said...
People might say why are we bringing up all this ‘personal’ stuff about sp & his family but I tell u tat it is all interlinked and shows his true self. It all stems from sp being the selfish, ungodly, overly ambitious ceo that he is that resulted in all tat is happening in the church, whether it is money issues or staff unhappiness or nepotism. So again, we are asking now, why hasn’t the person responsible for all this spoken yet? Is it becoz he has no good explanation for all he has done? Speak up I ask of u, sp and be a man.
Let's be focused said...
Let us all forget about answering this "why so long?" and the new comer "reality check". They are diverting our attention from the ex-staff who have shared the inside stories. They don't want to have more ex-staff writing so they are wasting space here with their merry-go-round. Exactly like what they do at AGMs & EGMs.
Ex-staff, please tell us more and the rest stay focused and be self-controlled. Don't waste blogging space.
October 16, 2008 6:00 PM
Unhappy said...
Yes, I agree with "Let's be focused". We must conserve blogging space by not getting entangled in trivial discourse with the unfocused and detractors.
I'm no ex-staff, but I'm very close to CC staff. My sources tell me that SP sacked all the staff of Calvary Printing Press (only 2 by the way) without following proper labour law (immediate dismissal I heard) and ordered PO to change the locks to the premises just in case they came in to remove the printing machine which is old enough to be on display at our musuem.
By the way, one of them has left CC after SP's shameful act. SP stumbled him. The other one is still hanging on.
October 16, 2008 6:17 PM
On behalf of Acronyms said...
Just read this in another posting. Sounds very logical why sp needs to stash away money for retirement.
"SP obviously doesn't walk the talk about one should live in faith. Why does he need to secretly transfer funds of RM 1.9 million from CC to CIM? Is it because he has (as told by SP to BOD) withdrawn his EPF for Junior's house & SP now needs to rebuild his EPF savings?Where is SP's faith? Even if he has diminished his EPF savings (as claimed by him), SP only need to look towards God who is his EPF (Ever Proving Father), as well as ours."
October 16, 2008 8:12 PM